Management Strategies for Bihar
C. Srivastava
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central
Agricultural University, Pusa (Bihar)
The State of Bihar is bestowed with
ample water resource but still for most of crops, the productivity is lowest in
country. A major reason for this is lack of irrigation with percentage of
irrigated area hovering around 50 to 60%. About 27% of area is irrigated by
canal system which has its inherent water availability problems. Rest area is
irrigated with groundwater with extraction by diesel operated pumps. The high
cost of diesel operated pump create two fold problem: One is cost which is
about 5 times that of electric pumps and second is use of centrifugal pumps.
The centrifugal pumps are inefficient and when the water level goes down beyond
6 m the farmer has to lower the pump in a pit combination of all these factors
force farmer to restrict number of irrigation to base minimum and due to this,
the productivity of even irrigated area is less.
The water management plan/strategy for
the state can be two pronged (i) Providing irrigation to > 80% irrigated
area with ultimate objective being 100% and (ii) enhancing water use efficiency
in both already irrigated and newly irrigated areas. Following outlines the
steps to be taken to fulfil these objectives:
A. Providing
irrigation to > 80% irrigated area
The strategy for this objective will
be area specific. For this, we can divide state in three geographical areas,
i.e. Gangetic plains, rich in ground water; plateau and hilly regions of
Nawada, Aurangabad, Kaimur, Jamui, Banka and Shekhapura; and Dhab, Diara and
Tal areas of riverine areas.
Gangetic Plains:
There should be time bound plan to phase out diesel pumps. They should be
replaced by 3 hp single phase submersible pumps in tube wells which are near to
homestead where single phase connection is available. For far off tubewells, a
decision have to be taken whether they should be fed by 3 phase dedicated
feeder or by solar tree, depending upon the cost.
Plateau and
hilly regions :
The plateau and
hilly regions can be irrigated by adopting any of the following technology.
(a) Tank cum well
system: In this system, a series of tanks followed by open dug is constructed
in a drainage line. The cultivated area on both sides of drainage line can be
irrigated first by using tank water and then using well water. This system was
conceptualized and evaluated by author during 1999-2004 for plateau areas of
Odisha and was found very effective in providing round the year reliable
irrigation to a two crop rotation.
(b) Dr. RPCAU,
Pusa has developed a boat based solar powered pumping system which can pump
water from river to cultivated area located on river bank. This system can be
used to irrigate narrow valley lands in hilly and plateau region. These narrow
valley lands area quite fertile and if provided irrigation can be very
(c) The plateau and hilly regions are criss crossed with
rivulets. A good number of them have flow upto March. A combination of
collapsible gate and solar tree based pumping system can facilitate storage of
water in river channel itself and pumping to cultivated areas on the bank of
(iii) Tal, Dhab and Diara areas:
of 93 lakh ha geographical area about 16% i.e. 15 lakh ha area is categorised
as Tal, Dhab and Diara areas. These areas remain submerged during monsoon
months but are suitable for cultivation during post monsoon months. Although
they have water available nearby but costly extraction of it make irrigation a
costly affair. Due to this crops are grown on residual moisture with poor
productivity. Dr. RPCAU, Pusa has developed/ in process of developing
technologies for pumping water in these areas.
(a) Floating solar powered pumping systems :
system contains a country boat with solar panels of 1800 watts which power a 2
hp submersible pump. The system can pump water from river and can irrigate
areas on side of river. It can move both along the river and therefore reduce
the length of conveyance pipe requirement. The cost per hour is just Rs.32/-
per hour which will go down further to Rs.17/- per hour.
The tal areas of Bihar are quite productive
with sufficient amount of water availability no electrification of this vast
area is possible due to it getting flooded during monsoon. Thus diesel operated
pumps remain only option which makes irrigation unaffordable. With this in
mind, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa is developing two mobile Solar powered pumping systems
one for pumping water from nearby water bodies and another from tube wells.
2. Enhancing water use efficiency:
enhance water use efficiency, two major crops Maize (rabi) and sugarcane should
be brought under drip irrigation. However, this should not be traditional drip
system but should have two components: one drip system in paired rows of
maize/sugarcane and one micro sprinkler for pulse/vegetable as inter crop. This
will not only save irrigation but also increase income of farmer as well as
replenish depletion of nutrients by main crop.
with above mention steps, the whole area can be brought under reliable
irrigation round the year and state can get rid of drought.
We all know the flood epidemic of entire northern part of Bihar, an open secret to one and all. What a mockery, to itself the irrigation system, where the canal is totally non-existent, I mean its structure and shape. Secondly, the gigantic water body originated from Nepal should be corrected and controlled -the first priority a govt. or any public/private agency should honestly pursue and not simply leaving the matter at the mercy of Koshi project solely. 18 districts are badly hit by this flash flood. What are you talking about irrigation of crops when the whole part is submerged by the huge amount of water. The purpose of canal irrigation is badly hit when the latter is not in good shape, I mean its discontinuity. If the vast reservire of water body is controlled, then automatically irrigation system can be improved by just providing meaningful conduit.
ReplyDeleteHere lies the root but none hit the issue correctly till date. Otherwise, the entire northern part is fertile and granary chamber of of India. Your issue related to the southern-eastern part may be corrected through your corrective measures. Irrigation system should be studied from Punjab and Haryana, how neatly and scientifically they implemented the process into reality. We have furtile land, water, hard-working farmers, but not having a will-power and determination to succeed.